The OHGS Scottish Regional Meeting was held at Muirfield this year (2015) and brilliantly organised by Archie Pleydell-Bouverie who lives in nearby North Berwick. Despite some unavoidable late drop outs the meeting was well attended and took the format of a ten per side foursomes match against Muirfield.
In recognition of their outstanding service to the society, particularly those who were players in scratch competitions over the years, the following were confirmed as new Vice Presidents at the AGM.
Society members may be interested to hear that there were no less than six OHGS members playing in the President’s Putter at Rye in January 2015: Jamie Warman, Robert Petch, James Hayley, Heston Orchard, Tristan Clarke, and Jeremy Fricker.
Welcome to the OH Golfing Society, a website to serve old Harrovians who against their better judgement have succumbed to the gentle game. From here you can keep up with news, fixtures, knock-out draws, results, receive regular updates by email newsletter and more.