
Get In Touch

Contact Us

Get in Touch with Us

The society email address is honsec[at]ohgs.org.uk.

If you prefer not to use email to contact the society then you can write to the Hon. Secretary in the footer.

OHGS Hon. Secretary
William North

Alternatively you can telephone the Hon. Secretary on 01886 853321

Payments to the Society are dealt with by the Hon. Treasurer. Should you owe money to the society and wish to make a payment, then cheques should be made out to The Old Harrovian Golfing Society and sent to the address below.

Electronic payments may be made to The Old Harrovian Golfing Society's HSBC account but please try to identify what the payment is for:

Sort Code Number   - 40-26-11
Account No.              -  41763458

Cheques can be sent to:

OHGS Hon. Treasurer
Thomas Olesen

The Nook
Common Lane
Brancaster Staithe
King's Lynn
PE31 8BL

Alternatively, you can telephone the Hon. Treasurer on 01485 210348 or email treasurer[at]ohgs.org.uk