
Autumn Meeting - George Rothman Special Scratch Salver

Played for on the first morning of the Autumn Meeting and open to all players, the highest Stableford score off scratch wins this trophy but with some complex stroke allowances for age and weather.

  • 2008 G.S. Rothman (8)
  • 2009 J. Wilcox (8)
  • 2010 A. Orchard (8)
  • 2011 G.S. Rothman (8)
  • 2012 T. E. Olesen (9)
  • 2013 T. E. Olesen (8)
  • 2014 A. Wallace (8)
  • 2015 G. Hartley (8)
  • 2016 J. Warman (3)
  • 2017 J. Warman (3)
  • 2018 J. Warman (3)
  • 2019 J. Warman (2)
  • 2020  COVID
  • 2021  G. Dunbar (6)
  • 2022  T. Webb (15.6)
  • 2023  A. Wong (0)